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Miyerkules, Setyembre 23, 2015

Parables Of Jesus teaching about the name of God

Excerpted from: New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. 

Parables Of Jesus teaching about the name of God

Matthew 11:25 " At the time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of Heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, AND HAST REVEALED THEM UNTO BABES".

Mathew 21:14-16 " And when the chief priest and scribes saw the wonderful things that He did and the children crying in the temple, and saying Hosanna to the Son of David; They were so displeased. And said unto him hearest thou what they say? And Jesus answered, Yea have you never read out the mouth of babes and suckling thou has perfected praise?

Psalm 8:1-2, " O lord , how excellent is thy name in all the earth who hast set thy glory above heavens, out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightiest still the enemy and the avenger".

From the first verse, we can see that the name was hidden from the wise and prudent and was revealed to the babes. The second verse, the highest praise to God is the one coming out from the mouth of babes and sucklings. From psalm 8: 1-2 " You can glean that out of the mouth of sucklings has the power to ordained strength to still the enemy and the avenger. In Isaias 49:1 it says; Ye people from far, the Lord hath called me from the womb; from the bowels of my mother he hath mentioned my Name.

When a pregnant mother born a child, what is the first sound that you can hear? Even what kind of ethnic tribe and country you belong the sound of the babes is only one and the Lord said, It is His Name.

Psalm 68:4 " Sing unto to God, sing praises to his name. Exalt him that rideth upon the heavens by his name JAH and rejoice before Him.

Let us study and analyze this JAH. If you read the word Jose, you produce the sound Hose, making J to H; if you read Joaquin, you produce the sound Hoaquin, making J to H. Do the same to JAH.
So let us go to psalm 89:8 of the Tagalog version of King James, and it said; " O Panginoong Dios ng mga hukbo, sino ang makapangyarihang tulad mo OH JAH" , so the word OH JAH; and if we apply the principle mentioned, it sounds like a cry of a baby.

So now you know the name of God, please follow his commandments against idolatry, and understand Psalm 91:14 which said " Because he hast set His love upon him, therefore I will deliver him.

Lunes, Setyembre 14, 2015

Fasting and Prayer – Key to Power

Fasting and prayer is one of the most powerful spiritual combinations on earth. True fasting brings humility and alignment with God. It breaks the power of flesh and demons. It kills unbelief and brings answers to prayer when nothing else works.
It has been well said that prayer is not preparation for the battle – prayer IS the battle. And of all the things we can do to enhance the power and focus of prayer, fasting is doubtless the most potent.
This is where the power is at, because fasting puts us in harmony with an All Powerful God who demands humility from those who wish to be close to Him. Fasting humbles the flesh. When it is done for that purpose, it pleases the Spirit of God.
You can go a certain distance in God, and experience many things, without fasting much, but the highest, richest and most powerful blessings always go to those who together with other disciplines, fast much unto God. The most significant Biblical characters, with the possible exception of Abraham, were all men of fasting and prayer. Jesus, the Son of God, was a man of fasting and prayer (Matthew 4:2). So was the apostle Paul (2 Corinthians 11:27). Moses fasted 80 days. Elijah fasted 40 days. The early church fasted before starting any major work. The greatest spiritual leaders of the 20th century who are making an impact are all men of fasting of prayer to my knowledge. Anyone who started a significant spiritual movement in Christianity was, to the best of my knowledge – Luther, Wesley, Finney, Booth were all men of fasting. In our day, Cho, Bonnke, Osborn, Annacondia are all men of much fasting. If done right, fasting counts a lot with God.
Fasting is not magic, nor does it twist the arm of God. God wants to do many amazing things, but He looks for those willing to urgently make the corrections needed to come into line with him.God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Successful fasting is also the fastest way to learn patience. It takes patience and endurance to fast for more than a day. Many of God's tests come quicker to us when we fast, and we have a better opportunity to pass them. If we want to go far with God we would have to face these tests anyway, but much later, and in a more time consuming and difficult way. We need to "bite the bullet" and embrace the correction God wants to apply to our souls.
Fasting gives you God's focus for your life. It is a major key to hearing God's voice (the other is true worship – the two are related). We need focus from God more than anything. The world we live in is working overtime to distract us, to entice us, to win our hearts and minds, our focus, and to determine our vision. Fasting cuts out the world so we can tune into God. If we are obedient to God fasting will make us catalysts for revival and awakening.
Examples of Fasting and Prayer and the Purpose God Had in It
Ezra the priest fasted for God's protection while carrying valuable things for God's temple. We too can fast for God's protection. (Ezra 8:21-23)
Daniel the prophet fasted for the fulfilment of God's promises, and received mighty revelations from God. (Daniel 10:3).
Jesus fasted and spoke the Word of God to overcome Satan (See Matthew 4:1-10; Luke 4:1-13).
Jesus fasted to begin his public ministry, and have the power of God and the anointing. (Luke 4:14).
Elijah needed to fast 40 days before he heard God's voice again. (1 Kings 19:8)
Moses fasted to receive the Ten Commandments and the Law of God, and to see God's glory and goodness.
The elders, prophets and teachers in Antioch fasted and ministered to God, which resulted in the launching of Paul and Barnabas' apostolic ministry to the Gentiles (Acts 13:2,3). Likewise we should fast and pray before getting involved in full time ministry and mission work.
Jesus says to us in Matthew 6:16, "When you fast…" not "If you fast". A true disciple of the Lord will fast at times.
God made it clear through the prophet Joel that the last days outpouring of the Spirit will be in proportion to our fasting and crying out to God in humility, hunger and repentance. (Joel 1:5; Joel 2:12).
Even wicked King Ahab's fast moved God so that he did not bring full judgment down on him in his own lifetime (1 Kings 21:27).
The Pain of Fasting
Fasting is not easy. There are degrees of fasting, of course. The pain of fasting is twofold. The physical pain is due to the detoxification of our bodies. All the accumulate poison and garbage starts to come into our blood and we feel dreadful. This can be alleviated by fasting on juice. With juice fasting you have some control on the speed of your body's detoxification.
The soulish pain is due to the conflict in the spiritual realm between your flesh and the Spirit of God. This goes behind the natural desire to eat. There is soulish pain because:
1. Most times our bodies are demanding food 3 times a day and complain that food is needed when they are denied. A little training in fasting soon clears up this misconception.
2. You cannot use food as an emotional crutch to give pleasure, drowsiness, satisfaction and escape. Instead you must depend on God for comfort.
3. You are brought face to face with other painful issues in your life. God reveals the need for you to forgive others, to repent of your wicked ways, to stop running from Him and start trusting Him. There is thus also a spiritual and soulish detoxification which happens when we fast.
4. You will be attacked by demonic forces seeking to induce you to give up the fast. Jesus experienced this in the wilderness with Satan (Matthew 4:1-10). Great spiritual victories are won or lost on our willingness to endure spiritual hardship and temptation out of love and faithfulness to the Lord.
5. You will experience weakness at times, and we like to feel strong and in control. Fasting teaches us dependence upon God.


A Protection for all who carry this Blessing with them. They will possess a Grand Secret which no other being will un­derstand.

Christ, in the midst of peace, went with his disciples abroad. St. Matthew; St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John. The Four Evan­gelists protect me, N. N., by the ever-praised majesty and unity of God. J. J. J. Amen. I. C. V. J. I. R. 3, 121, be with me at all distances. † † † Amen. 

In 1898, Aleister Crowley was chosen by the masters and established the New Aeon which was detailed in the equinox of the Gods. He also attained the grade of PRACTICUS and was accordingly entrusted with the secret attribution of the tarot of knowledge but to him this is not enough so he traveled around the world in search for the hidden wisdom and this is the ICUJIR. This is one of the highest knowledge of power that God has revealed to the wise. Master ELIPHAZ LEVI, the founder of the secrets of Free Masonry quoted in his book, The secrets of the Prophets:

 "A Protection for all who carry this Blessing with them. They will possess a Grand Secret which no other being will understand.

Christ, in the midst of peace, went with his disciples abroad. St. Matthew; St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John. The Four Evangelists protect me, N. N., by the ever-praised majesty and unity of God. J. J. J. in all distances:

 I. C. V. J. I. R. 3, 121, be with me at all distances. † † † Amen

Albertus Magnus knew the importance of this and this has no equivalent with money. ICUJIR has many uses and its name was kept in numbers and symbols perhaps to avoid it easy detection and understanding. ICUJIR is a king of prayer and praises to God. It simply means:


However, if we draw a line in the middle of the word from I going to left horizontally ICUJIR produce words as

TUA, also HZ and if written correctly will be JHS meaning ICUJIR denotes the name of Christ.

Before we go to the next topic, recall first the letter equivalent in numbers

A    1
E    2
I      3 J, H, Y
O    4
U    5
M    6
N     7
S     8
T     9

Letter I can be J, H, Y; letter U is V and C and letter M is W, letter N is Z.

3,121 is the symbol in number of a kind of spirit of Animasola which represent the name of Jesus Christ. Number 3 is letter I or H or J but essentially it represents that in this complete name if consist only of three letter A. The 121 if transformed to letters is AEA, however, letter E represents the time when Jesus died in the cross so we turn this to make number 3 representing that Christ died at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Since 3 is the equivalent number then 131 or its equivalent is AYA. All of this showed that the Anima Sola Ac should have 3 A and has AYA words. The Anima sola Ac has 10 letters and its equivalent in number if added is 33. Number 33 represents the age of Jesus when was crucified, therefore this is Christ.

The principle is that you have to call first the name of Christ before you can call God is a life giver. It is expanded to read as JAHAHAH to be combined by the vowel AEIOU and be inserted to the 7 letters to complete the breath of life.


If you read it, should produce 13 letters. The Animasola Ac has 10 letters plus the secret of the breath of life which have 13 letters will be all in all 23 letters. The number 23 is a mystic name and is the number that makes miracles. To review the system, after you have reached God thru Christ it is presumed that God have granted you power and since Christ is the doer of miracles, you have to go back to his name. We call the name as the AVC. To shorten the explanation, start calling A which is the Christ then you proceeded to JAH which is God, which means you have reached him and had asked his permission, and power then go back again to Christ  which is A, now, if this is done you are ready to make your miracles. This method is AJA or AHA that completed the power or pondo as we call it, the above power.

Now we go back to the system below. This is now called the testament of power or the supposed miracle. The most essential part that makes action is the name of Christ that was crucified in the cross. It begins with letter T and ends with letter M it has 23 letters and the named is called, "The unity of God. This is the JJJ.

The sum up is 110, it also represents the symbol which can be seen in the catholic church.

References: The 23 keys by Genro Ymas, Egyptian secrets by Albertus Magnus

Huwebes, Setyembre 3, 2015

A prayer for the dead


In Nomini Patri, Et Fili, Spiritus Sancti AMEN

REQUIEM aeternam dona ei (eis), Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei (eis). Requiescat (-ant) in pace. Amen.
ETERNAL rest grant unto him/her (them), O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him/her (them). May he/she (they) rest in peace. Amen.

Credo in unum Deum, Patrem omnipotentem, factorem caeli et terrae, visibilium omnium, et invisibilium. Et in unum Dominum Jesum Christum, Filium Dei unigenitum. Et ex Patre natum ante omnia saecula. Deum de Deo, Lumen de lumine, Deum verum de Deo vero. Genitum, non factum, consubstantialem Patri: per quem omnia facta sunt. Qui propter nos homines, et propter nostram salutem descendit de caelis. Et incarnatus est de Spiritu Sancto ex Maria Virgine: Et homo factus est. Crucifixus etiam pro nobis: sub Pontio Pilato passus, et sepultus est. Et resurrexit tertia die, secundum Scripturas. Et ascendit in caelum: sedet ad dexteram Patris. Et iterum venturus est cum gloria, judicare vivos et mortuos: cuius regni non erit finis. Et in Spiritum Sanctum, Dominum, et vivificantem: qui ex Patre Filioque procedit. Qui cum Patre et Filio simul adoratur, et conglorificatur: qui locutus est per Prophetas. Et unam sanctam catholicam et apostolicam Ecclesiam. Confiteor unum baptisma in remissionem peccatorum. Et expecto resurrectionem mortuorum. Et vitam venturi saeculi. Amen. 3X

This prayer is not only for the dead, it can be recited to awaken the conscience of those people who are gravely sinful or who are pain in the ass ( drug addict, gambler, delinquent, womanizer etc. ). Instead of him or her, place the name of the person who is the subject of the prayer. Recite the prayer every day until the person quit or stop from doing misdemeanor or bad habits. The prayer awakens the spirit and conscience of the sinner from being spiritually dead.

Miyerkules, Setyembre 2, 2015

Saturn protection talisman spell

( This spell is very effective against slander )

This spell is to help protect as well as return all negative thoughts and vibrations which are sent your way. Saturn is considered to be formation and the first law of karma ( limitation). It is the planet's ability to limit which makes it a powerful influence in protection spells. 

Items needs: one black candle, one mirror and two saturn pentacles inscribed on white parchment paper with black ink. One large pentacle the same size as the mirror, and a smaller one to carry with you at all times. 

Glue the large Saturn pentacle to the black side of the mirror with its inscribed side facing out. Take the mirror and place it so the reflective side faces the direction from which negativity is coming. Take the black candle and hold it firmly in your right hand as you focus your attention. When you feel ready, chant the follwoing: 

Candle black, Saturn's power 
Reflect back from this hour
Negative thoughts sent to me. 
As I will, so mote it be!

Now light the candle. Place the candle on top of the small pentacle in back of the mirror. Visualize all the negative thoughts and vibrations being reflected back to their place of origin. Feel the black candle absorb and consume any negative residue which maybe in the room. Allow the candle to burn for one hour and then extinguish it. Repeat this procedure for three consecutive nights. On the last night, allow the candle to burn out. Leave the mirror in place and carry the small pentacle with you at all times.  

Reference: Modern witchcraft revealed by Lady Sabrina 

Martes, Hulyo 28, 2015

To have authority to recite power words or orascion, choose one below.



These words must be recited at the beginning to avoid damage to the teeth
and it also gives us authority to recite orasciones. Recite it thrice and then
proceed to recite any orascion that you have.

References: Encanto de Dios, Karunungan ng Dios

Lunes, Marso 2, 2015

The 22 Hebrew letters from psalm 119 

Recite the words in order; can be used in cleansing and protection (pambakod)

Soon to be deployed to cause grief and misfortune.

Miyerkules, Pebrero 25, 2015

Can be drawn on a parchment paper and consecrate it as a talisman against malevolent entities.  

Linggo, Enero 4, 2015

Spell to cause anxiety attack and to bring back the one who has left (Pampabalisa at pambalik sa umalis )

Materials needed: 1 white candle (sperma), picture or complete name of the subject of the spell.

1. Light the white candle and recite 7 Hail Mary. 

2. Then recite the prayers to the Infinite God or "Poder sa Infinito" and the invocation to the 4 corners of the earth to protect yourself from possible side effect.

3. Call the complete name of the person several times then recite the following orascion:


Think of the person suffering from anxiety attack. Imagine the person thinking of you.


For the complete instructions please visit this site: